Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bookless in Seattle

If it weren't so pathetic, it would be amusing. The people who pre-ordered my book from Amazon have received it before I received my author copies! I need lots of copies for the PR firm and I should have had them weeks ago. I tried several methods: asking, purchasing from the warehouse, begging. Friday morning I even considered buying them from the miscreants who stole them and put 'em on eBay. My agent's amazing assistant Adam, and my hard-working publicist Kim seem to have straightened the situation out -- but i won't believe it till I see it!! Of course every other day people I work with or know vaguely say things like "aren't you going to give me an autographed copy"? and i just have to burst out laughing. As if I could!! No way, honey, you'll have to buy it just like I do!!

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