Friday, October 29, 2010

Blurbless no more!

My new book will go out into the world with a cozy warm jacket on -- a jacket with some author quotes. But -- the horror of the black and white photo. Everything I have looks worse in black and white (wait is that a song lyric?) I looked like Julianne Moore in color, I swear. I took an iPhoto class at the Apple store and I know enough to be dangerous now with the tools. But I must ask: why hasn't Saturday Night Live done a parody of the employees at the Apple Store?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Cover Wars End!

Yes it's true --this is the cover of my new book. (With plenty of room to add fawning quotes from famous writers and book critics before it comes out February 1st.) I love the reflective quality of it -- it's all about memories, faulty and real.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

On the Move?

Yes, it's true, that is me featured in October's Main Line Today. I'm one of a handful of Top Women On The Move. Ironic since being a writer involves sitting on your ass!

Here's the link.