Saturday, November 3, 2012

What's lost.

Post-hurricane, with a miraculously un-flooded basement, I think about the things that can't be replaced, like family photos. And the things that can, if supplies can reach you. Many of the book clubs I've visited are in some of the most ravaged areas of the Northeast. I know it seems like a small thing -- but if anyone knows a voracious reader whose book collection was decimated -- I have lots of current titles to share, and many other writers who can donate. Email me at


Melissa Sarno said...

What a wonderful idea. I know some people who lost everything but none voracious readers. If you find someone, please me know- I have plenty of books to donate...

Kelly Simmons said...

Thank you Melissa. I'm so sorry about your friends -- let me know if there's anything specific and one-on-one I can do to help them.

Beth Kephart said...

This is amazingly wonderful (all of it).