Thursday, July 25, 2013

Horseshoes, clovers, rabbits feet.

Next week, I'm having surgery, the start of months-long treatment for a wee spot of bother. (Let's think like that, shall we? It's just a blip.) As I was leaving a pre-op appointment yesterday, I decided to stop and buy a couple of lottery tickets. Very unlike me, as my friends know. But why not? When something is caught early, you feel lucky. As the clerk handed me my change, he said, "Good luck with everything." As if he knew. When my eyes met his, he saw the first watery veil of my tears. It's always a good idea to wish people luck. I accept. Thank you. And the same to you and yours.


Melissa Sarno said...

Oh no :( Hope everything is okay. Good luck! I'm in Ireland and will find as many four leaf clovers as I can for you : )

Anmiryam said...

Kelly, I hope all goes well and it is truly just a wee spot of bother.