Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Who's on firsts.

When your children are small, there are nothing but firsts. First word, first steps, first day on the bus. But senior year of high school, there are nothing, it seems, but lasts. The last time I'll hear her in a school concert. The last time I'll see her playing a sport. This spring, there is a ball field on every corner, each filled with parents, coolers, younger siblings with their fingers looped through the back stop fence. I want to roll down my window and call out to those younger parents: Enjoy those metal bleachers. Don't complain about the cost of juice boxes. You never know how much you'll miss cutting up orange smiles for the team, until you stop cutting up orange smiles for the team.


Elizabeth Mosier said...

I should not have read this weep-inducing post on a rainy day! So true!

Melissa Sarno said...

I'll try to remember this ... I'm in a world of firsts right now. I think, I hope, though, there are always firsts to be had.

Kelly Simmons said...

Yes, there are always firsts! But I remember deeply, even when my kids were young, that there were stages we passed through that I mourned just a bit -- because they were fleeting. It's all fleeting which is my each little moment is so worthwhile. *she said like a hallmark card*

Amy Mak said...

THis makes me so sad...a good reminder that children grow up. I'll try to remember when I'm so annoyed that someone who shall not be named dropped a full gallon of milk on the floor this morning!